Monday, February 23, 2009

Death Toll. . .

Sometimes, we need to be shocked and outraged, to face what may make us uncomfortable in the day to day..

From now on, a counter will appear on my blog, counting off how many babies have been legally murdered since the page was opened. . .the numbers change at an obscenely rapid pace.

There is much to say about abortion, from many different viewpoints. I respect the opinions of many who disagree with me. . .but I cannot respect the consequences of these opinions; and the consequeces are that that counter keeps on rolling, that out country is still stained red with the blood of innocents.

I am not giving my full views on abortion now, simply because there is much to say, and I am as yet unprepared to give a complete case against it. . .but the following is some of what is nearest to my heart, especially regarding the Church and abortion.

I understand that abortion is not the only issue in American politics; but for me, it is the matter by which all the others are eclipsed. Maybe there are some more important issues. . .but if so, I can't seem to recall them. If this makes me one of the "Religious Right" that Liberals and "educated" Republicans laugh at, so be it.

I have no patience for Christians who scoff at the pro-life movement.

"I think it's stupid to vote based on Abortion. Just me, but I don't get what the big deal is"

So said a well-meaning Christian man to me one day, in between smiles and jokes about why we would lose the election. . .

In the end, I don't know if abortion is the greatest battle we face today. . .like most causes, it is probably just a great battle in the midst of this great war. . .but it is no consequence. Either way, it is a battle, and I will fight it.


MK Reynolds said...

that is terrible. It's tragic watching the counter go up so quickly, being unable to do anything to stop it.

Christian said...

Was a bit of a shocker for my morning...
Bravo, sir. Thank you for the terrible wake up call.