I feel distinctly like Schroeder from Peanuts (Who carried around signs to inform people of Bethoven's birthday a few months before the date).
Now, I'll admit that I'm not the biggest fan of classical music. . .I still find some of it boring, and most of it hard to listen to, though very rewarding. . .I realise that some of my impatience for classical music often reflects more poorly on me than on the music.
However, even given my wicked soul that sometimes prefers Underoath to Wagner, the most played song on my iPod is NOT writing on the walls, but Rachmaniov's Symphonic Dances. . .
I'll be honest, I do usually cheat and just listen to the last three minutes of it . . .that last three minutes is my favorite piece of music right now, and if there's something better, I'd like to hear it (seriously).
Believe me, he's that awesome. I am not fit, either as a "musician" or even a "listener" to even praise him. Just know that the greatest flaw of Rachmaninov's work is that the song must at some point end; because of this sinful world, the music can never do what it ought to, and break the barrier between the human and the timeless.
Speaking of Russian musicians born on April 1st, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID PAVLOVICH ORLIK!
Some stuff for you:
Your Favorite Paratroooper Song:
And more: This time, with romance!
- hi
- hello
- oh, how beautiful. but they're so expensive.
- it's ok. how it should be.
- i've missed you so much.
- me too.
- tell me, how are things in the army?
- everything's fine.
- (to barman) for all!
- why, maybe you shouldn't?
- my treat. don't worry, i can afford it.
"contract service - ticket to your future."
This one just scares me:
David, I'm now wondering if you're a part of a fifth-column. . .
Oh, well. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
С днем рождения, мой друг! Пожалуйста не убейте меня.
Colossians in Cambridge (Torrey Cambridge 2024)
7 months ago
I'll get you the Russian goods before the end of the school year. *In conspiratorial hush-hush* ;)
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