The City of Angels has been in need of a new shepherd for a while; and it appears it shall finally be getting one- Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Jose Gomez as the next Archbishop of Los Angeles.
Jose Gomez is not only strongly conservative regarding abortion and gay marriage, he is also an advocate of immigrant rights. He was born in Monterrey, Mexico (which just happens to be my father's home state), and has served as the Archbishop of San Antonio (which just happens to be my favorite city in Texas) since 2005. And, as the Archbishop of Los Angeles is traditionally admitted into the College of Cardinals, Gomez will become the first Hispanic Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church, reflecting the changing demographic of Roman Catholocism.
Suffice it to say, I like the guy. I look forward to seeing how he deals with Los Angeles- and I hope that the Protestant community will recognize him as an ally. I hope and pray that God works through him to bring healing and reconciliation to our troubled city.
So long Mahony.
Here's a fairly detailed bio of Gomez -,0,5707362.story?page=1
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